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JW.ORG​—Changing Lives for the Better

JW.ORG​—Changing Lives for the Better

People everywhere are benefiting from Below is a sampling of the many expressions of appreciation that have been sent to the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses as of May 2014.

Helping Young Children

“My preschool child used to return home with pencils, small toys, and even sunglasses belonging to his friends. We tried repeatedly to help him understand that what he was doing amounted to stealing and that stealing is wrong. Our efforts failed until we downloaded the video Stealing Is Bad. That proved to be a powerful tool and the right medicine for our son. After viewing it, he expressed his desire to return all the items, as he is now convinced that stealing is bad in God’s eyes. How we were helped by this website!”​—D. N., Africa.

“The video Stealing Is Bad . . . proved to be a powerful tool and the right medicine for our son”

“My children love the website. They download animated short videos that help them better apply Bible principles about lying and stealing. They also learn other valuable qualities that they can use throughout their lives, thus making them an asset to society.”​—O. W., West Indies.

Helping Those in School

“I used to view school as a burden, and I thought about quitting. But one day, I read the article entitled ‘Should I Quit School?’ on the website. It helped me to see school in a positive way. From the article I could see that going to school will train me for the future and help me to become a responsible person.”​—N. F., Africa.

“The advice for young people on this website has taught me how to maintain good morals in school”

“The advice for young people on this website has taught me how to maintain good morals in school. I have learned how to focus on my studies and avoid distractions.”​—G., Africa.

“A coworker complained that her daughter was being bullied at school, especially by one girl. This had such a negative impact on the child that she did not go to school for a few days because she was so afraid. I spoke with my coworker about points from the whiteboard animation Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists, which is available on She especially liked the advice to use humor to defuse the situation. She talked to her child about how she could counteract the bullying. As a result, the girl went to school feeling more confident. In time, the situation improved, and the bully even became friendly.”​—V. K., Eastern Europe.

Helping Young Adults

“Thank you for the article on the website entitled ‘Why Do I Cut Myself?’ This is a problem I have struggled with for a long time. I thought that I was all alone and that if I told others, they wouldn’t understand. The examples in the article really helped me. Finally someone does understand!”​—A young woman in Australia.

“The examples in the article really helped me. Finally someone does understand!”

“The website has made it a lot easier for me to access help on issues affecting young people. One article in particular helped me to identify forms of sexual harassment, to see that I had been a victim of it, and to learn the proper ways to deal with it.”​—T. W., West Indies.

Helping Parents

“My teenage son is hyperactive. I am often overwhelmed by his unstable and unpredictable behavior. As a result, we had a hard time communicating. One day, I went on and selected the section for couples and parents. I found so many articles that applied to my situation and that taught me how to communicate with my son. He too has benefited from the site. He now opens up to me and speaks to me about his joys and worries.”​—C. B., Africa.

“Often an article will appear on at just the right time to help us deal with a challenge that the children are facing”

“For us as parents, provides a playful way of teaching our children. For example, the whiteboard animation on how to find a real friend helped our children to have the right view of friendship and to select as friends those who will have a good influence on them. Often an article will appear on at just the right time to help us deal with a challenge that the children are facing. It is a rich source of advice.”​—E. L., Europe.

Helping Married Couples

“My wife and I have been married for six years. Like any married couple, we have faced the challenge of reconciling our different communication styles, backgrounds, and viewpoints on matters. The article on entitled ‘How to Be a Good Listener’ caught my eye. It gave practical advice on how to improve listening skills. I read the article and then shared it with my wife. We have tried to apply the useful suggestions.”​—B. B., West Indies.

“Because of this website, my marriage was saved”

“I have been associating with Jehovah’s Witnesses for the past year, and I really want to express my appreciation for the website. I have learned many things from this site, including how to control my temper and how to be a good husband and father. I can honestly say that because of this website, my marriage was saved.”​—L. G., West Indies.

Helping the Deaf

“The site helped me feel alive again. By means of the videos in American Sign Language, I have improved my sign language. I used to feel as though I could not set any meaningful goals in my life, but when I saw the video Seeing God’s Word in My Language, it warmed my heart and reinforced my determination to focus on the positive aspects of life.”​—J. N., Africa.

“The site helped me feel alive again”

“The website is truly a gem. I am a volunteer worker assisting the deaf, especially deaf youths. The wide array of material in sign language has helped me improve my own sign-language skills. The website has helped me to be of assistance to those who want to improve their family life and their friendships.”​—K. J., West Indies.

Helping the Blind

“I am a blind person who has benefited from It provides me with information that can take months to reach me via the mail. The website has enriched my family life and has made me a useful member of my community. It has also enabled me to receive information at the same time as my sighted friends.”​—C. A., South America.

“The website has enriched my family life and has made me a useful member of my community”

“For those who do not read Braille or do not have enough money to buy Braille books, is truly a treasure. By means of instructive audio recordings, the blind can stay abreast of many fields of learning. This site is designed for all people without discrimination or partiality. It helps those of us who are blind to feel honored and integrated into society.”​—R. D., Africa.

Helping the Spiritually Hungry

“The difference between your website and other religious sites is that it does not bombard you with religious expressions and words that can be understood only by a priest. And it does not overwhelm you with so much information that you feel lost. Your website is simple and direct. It is not wordy or full of philosophy. It does not make it look like faith is something complicated. Rather, it shows that faith is something attainable for the ordinary person.”​—A. G., Asia.

“Your website is simple and direct . . . It shows that faith is something attainable for the ordinary person”

“Miserable! That’s what my life would be without In a world that is in spiritual darkness, this website is like a lightbulb that I can turn on. Immediately, I can see and hear articles explaining God’s point of view on matters and learn the answers to many questions of life.”​—J. C., West Indies.

“I appreciate all the spiritual assistance I receive way down here in the middle of the jungle in South America. Without this website, I would be lost.”​—M. F., South America.